My art story is one of fate and destiny. A return to my childhood passion buried so deep, it took 65 years to re-emerge.

Traumatized by my mother insisting “my paints made a mess,” at age five I stopped painting out of fear of angering her and my father, who was abusive in other ways. I literally let my expressive artistic nature die because I felt punished for being me.

It wasn’t until a few years after both my parents died, around my 70th birthday, that I met with a psychic and a hand analyst, who each “saw” me as a painter that a spark was lit and a veil lifted. I finally felt ready to take a chance with art even though I’d accomplished so much in my life.

I owned a PR agency in Beverly Hills, was a travel journalist, inspirational writer and a women’s empowerment leader. I founded Spirited Woman, a women’s empowerment community that inspired 1000’s of women worldwide.

Drawn to start painting in watercolors, I do not know why I chose that medium, other than each color appeared as a burst of light. I soon found I had this gift, where energy comes through my hands. I am “led” to what I paint and what colors I use. I never know before I begin. My art is known to carry a special transformative energy.

Now at 76, I’ve painted over 1,000 paintings, my art has been featured in exhibits & shows, is in private collections and the prestigious Los Angeles Art Association/Gallery 825 accepted and chose me as an emerging artist at 74! I am also proud to say I am a member of the ​Southern California Women's Caucus for Art.

I donate a % of my art proceeds to women’s causes through my Spirited Woman Foundation & Endowment Fund.

In 2024, I painted on Skopelos Island, Greece and in Santa Barbara, California; in 2025 in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. I plan to continue to paint around the world to see how my energy art changes from place to place. My mission is to create a book of my story and my energy art once I’ve painted in 10 different places.

On a personal note, I’ve never married and have no children…I live in Playa Vista, California on land that once was an Indian Burial Ground. I am a foodie and I love to read.

Before my art career, I never felt worthy enough. Being an artist has sparked my innate creative spirit, bringing me fulfillment, joy and healing. I now feel worthy. What a gift! I believe, I truly do, that in life we are given messages, words, signals - whatever you want to call them which symbolize the essence of who we are. No matter what age you are, you can begin again, and empower others along the way.

Your work is wonderful. Spirit filled and healing. Blessings.”

— Annie Ullrich

A brilliant artist with an eye for color and an insight into how colors can make us feel and find joy.

— Alicia McGrath

“I am so moved by Nancy’s art, that I have become a significant collector. Quite simply: Nancy has put her power into her palette and has since been creating some magnificent works of art that fill my space with positive, uplifting, and transformational energy. That energy has gone on to change my life.”

- Rebecca Hall Gruyter